Uncover information about the importance of cybersecurity, how to prevent cyberattacks, and how to protect yourself from scammers, providing real estate industry specific material and examples.
The goal of this course is to build your knowledge on cyberattacks, how to prevent them, and how to protect yourself from scammers. Learn how to identify scams and SPAM within emails, the importance of backups and safe keeping of data, implementing security software, and ensuring your staff are trained on digital security.
This course is for all agents.
Name | Course Start Date | Course End Date | Cost | |
Single CPD – Cybersecurity and Fraudulent Activity | 08/03/2024 | 31/12/2025 | $79.00 |
The easiest way to enrol is to purchase through the website. Simply select the course or workshop and make payment through our secure portal.
People or agencies usually purchase single CPDs when they identify certain gaps in their training or encounter a workplace issue. Also, CPD requirements change year to year, and so when NSW Fair Trading specifies that agents can choose from different topics, then the single CPDs also come into play.
In order to receive an RPL or CT we need to assess whether your work experience and/or previous study or training makes you eligible. Once you contact us by email, phone or web enquiry, one of our assessors will have a quick initial discussion to check whether it’s possible for you to qualify. Then the assessor will guide you through the process of providing the required portfolio of evidence, through our student portal’s RPL or CT assessment.
Evidence can exist in many forms, including job descriptions, references from employers, managers and colleagues, work sheets, emails, previously attended training and workshops, transcripts of any prior study, business plans, detailed CV, even photos or videos of you undertaking tasks within a real estate practice.
Once you’ve supplied this, the assessor can then discuss with you any gaps identified, or to clarify anything you’ve supplied, before making the decision as to whether you qualify for RPL or CT.