
Course overview

This course will teach you how to become a Principal Licensee and a Class One Licence holder. Learn how to efficiently manage teams and business operations, as well as gaining insight on how to be an effective leader.

Once you’ve completed the CPP51122 Diploma of Property (Agency Management), you will need to have a signed Fair Trading log book demonstrating you’ve completed 2 years worth of work experience as a Class One license holder before applying for your Class 1 license with NSW Fair Trading.

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CPPRE5001 Manage compliance in the property industry

Analyse, develop, implement, manage and evaluate compliance in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5001 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5002 Establish and monitor property industry trust account management practices

Establish and monitor management practices for property industry trust accounts.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5002 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5003 Manage ethical practice in the property industry

Implement and manage ethical practice systems in a property agency.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5003 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5004 Manage a safe workplace in the property industry

Establish, maintain and evaluate a work health and safety (WHS) management system in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5004 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5005 Manage teams in the property industry

Manage and evaluate agency teams in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5005 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5006 Manage operational finances in the property industry

Manage and evaluate agency operational finances in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5006 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5007 Develop a strategic business plan in the property industry

Develop a business strategy to position the property agency in the property market.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5007 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


BSBLDR522 Manage people performance

Manage the performance of staff that are direct reports.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for BSBLDR522 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation

Demonstrate senior leadership behaviour and personal and professional competence.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for BSBLDR602 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

Develop and monitor the implementation of operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace practices and organisational productivity and profitability.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for BSBOPS502 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5008 Market the property agency

Research, develop and implement a marketing strategy to market the agency in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5008 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP5010 Manage customer service activities in the property industry

Analyse, manage and evaluate customer service activities in the property industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP5010 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


Course overview

The CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice qualification reflects the role of real estate professionals who apply knowledge of real estate practice legal agency and compliance requirements, ethical standards and consumer preferences to conduct real estate functions.

In NSW, once you complete the CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice and supply evidence of work experience using the Fair Trading log book, you may then be eligible to apply to Fair Trading for a Class 2 Real Estate Licence.

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CPPREP4001 Prepare for professional practice in real estate

Understand the personal and legislative requirements of professional practice in real estate. This includes business structures, regulatory framework, codes of practice and professional development pathways within real estate.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4001 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP4002 Access and interpret ethical practice in real estate

Working ethically in real estate requires a thorough understanding of ethical standards in real estate. This unit supports real estate professionals in reducing financial and reputational risks, in meeting consumer protection standards, and in dealing responsibly with ethical breaches and challenges.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4002 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4003 Access and interpret legislation in real estate

Identify, access and interpret legislation relevant to work in real estate. Develop an understanding of the legislative framework, its structure and the impact of legislation on work in real estate.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4003 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4004 Establish marketing and communication profiles in real estate

Develop marketing and communication profiles in real estate. It includes understanding methods for marketing and communicating, clarifying type, value and purpose of different communication activities and developing a personal profile for marketing and communication in real estate.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4004 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4005 Prepare to work with real estate trust accounts

Work with real estate trust accounts within established agency controls. This unit applies to people currently working in or seeking to work in the real estate industry.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4005 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4101 Appraise property for sale or lease

Appraise residential property for sale or lease. It includes selecting appraisal method/s and recommending appraisal price of property for sale or lease. It does not include establishing a formal property valuation.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4101 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4102 Market property

Market property for sale or lease. It includes interpreting a property appraisal report, negotiating an agreed marketing plan for a property with clients, preparing marketing materials, securing marketing resources, implementing marketing activities, accessing and using agency data on target markets, reviewing effectiveness of the marketing plan and activities and reporting on the effectiveness of marketing activities.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4102 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4103 Establish vendor relationships

Establish vendor relationships to support property sales. It includes planning activities to achieve property listings, confirming vendor needs and expectations, preparing and conducting a listing presentation, completing a listing agreement and planning for ongoing communication and records management associated with the vendor relationship.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4103 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4104 Establish buyer relationships

Establish, develop and manage positive relationships with buyers. It includes establishing an understanding of buyer needs and expectations, matching these to property, and maintaining relationships and records of engagement with buyers throughout the buying process.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4104 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4105 Sell property

Sell property by methods including private treaty, auction and other negotiations. It includes presenting property for sale, negotiating sales between vendors and buyers, and facilitating completion of contracts.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4105 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4121 Establish landlord relationships

Establish landlord relationships to support property management. It includes establishing an agreement with a landlord to provide residential property management services and maintaining the relationship including keeping records of interactions with landlords.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4121 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4122-4123 Manage tenant relationships and tenancy

Establish landlord and tenant relationships to support property management. It includes responding to enquiries from tenants, establishing details and profile of potential tenants, matching tenants with properties, aligning landlord and tenant expectations, managing relationships and maintaining records of interactions. It also includes timely and effective communication with tenant, landlord and other stakeholders and the management of rent payments, arrears, routine inspections, repairs, maintenance, tenancy renewals, rent increases and tenancy agreement breaches.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4122 and CPPREP4123 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).


CPPREP4124 End tenancy

Finalise a tenancy. It includes determining circumstances in which tenancy agreements may be ended, processes and documentation to end tenancy agreements, processes to re-let property and issues that may arise from termination of tenancy agreements.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4124 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4125 Transact in trust accounts

Conduct transactions in real estate trust accounts. It includes identifying the purpose and types of property trust accounts, applying agency controls to transactions in property trust accounts for specific purposes, balancing, reconciling and reporting on trust account transactions, and maintaining records of trust account transactions.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4125 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4161 Undertake pre-auction processes

The skills and knowledge required to undertake pre-auction processes includes: preparing a strategy for auctions, including liaising with the vendor or sales agent, confirming the details of the contract and confirming the details of the property.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4161 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).



CPPREP4162-4163 Conduct and complete sale by auction and post auction process

Conduct an auction of property, complete post-auction process and contract execution. This includes accessing, interpreting and applying written instructions for the auction, calling an auction and completing the auction process, including when a property is sold and when a property is passed in.

It also includes identifying successful bidder and confirming their legal entity, completing contract details, ensuring that all required signatures are obtained and completing and maintaining records of the auction.

You can also go to the full Unit of Competency detail on training.gov.au for CPPREP4162 and CPPREP4163 (opens in a new tab so you can compare).

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